The Georgian Shores Casavant Pipe Organ

Music can sound in many ways at Georgian Shores, and the most prominent is our pipe organ: Warren, 1887; Casavant 1919; Casavant 1950; tonally revised and augmented with digital and solid state enhancements 2012 by Dodington and Dodington.

The organ includes the following features: 3 manuals, 30 note pedalboard, 4 general pistons, 4 pistons for each manual, 2100 pipes, 34 pipe ranks, 10 midi stops, 45 stops in total.

The organ at GSUC is an amalgamation of two Casavant organs. There is some pipework remaining from the original Warren organ from the 19th century. The 1919 portion of the organ includes the upgraded solid state console and 1000 pipes from the former Knox United Church, and the remainder of the pipework is from the former Division Street United Church. The digital (midi) stops can be changed to any of over 1200 sounds, from the memory banks of the organ computers.


(‘D’ = digital sound)

Open Diapason I 8′
Open Diapason II 8′ D
Dulciana 8′
Quintadena 8′ D
Harmonic Flute 8′
Bourdon 8′
Principal 4′
Lieblich Flute 4′
Octave 2′
Mixture IV
Trompette 8′
Gedeckt 16′
Geigen Principal 8′
Stopped Diapason 8′
Viola da Gamba 8′
Voix Celeste 8′
Principal 4′
Flauto Traverso 4′
Nazard 2 ⅔’
Flautino 2′
Mixture III
Bassoon 16′ D
Oboe 8′
Vox Humana 8′ D
Cornopean 8′
Melodia 8′
Dulciana 8′
Unda Maris 8′
Wald Flute 4′
Clarinet 8′
Cornet V D
Piccolo 2′
Trumpet 8′ (from Gt)
Double Trumpet 16′ (from Gt)
Bourdon 32′ D
Bourdon 16′
Open Diapason 32′ D
Open Diapason 16′
Gedeckt 16′ (from Sw)
Principal 8′ D
Stopped Flute 8′
Choral Bass 4′
Bombarde 16′ (ext. of Great Trumpet)
Bombarde 32′ D
Mixture VI D

Music Director Jim Seaborn at the console after the dedication of the organ November 11, 2012.

Some design facts

The pipework is in three divisions behind a screen under an arch in the East wall of the sanctuary. The Swell is on the left, with the choir on the right, and the great pipework is situated in the centre ten feet above the swell and choir division. The digital speakers (three) are placed above the great pipework at the top of the arch. The Great 8′ Trompette was originally the trumpet from the Division Street organ. It was sent to Casavant to be re-voiced and refitted with brass resonators. This stop, with the power to be heard above the full organ, is unenclosed, and has its own new windchest. The tubular chimes on the choir manual came from the Knox organ. Thanks to a generous member and a donation from the Chancel Choir, the chimes were included in the installation.

Organ Renovation

Some of the console controls

The organ has 250 memory levels at the organist’s disposal.