During the COVID pandemic, Georgian Shores has made adjustments to our music offerings. A small ensemble has provided music for the services, whether in person or taped. We hope to be able to return to our regular choir in Fall 2022. During the summer, guest musicians are providing the music when our organist is away.
Adult Choir
The Georgian Shores Adult Community Choir strives to offer its very best to God by enhancing our worship services by leading hymns, introits, anthems, worship songs and sung responses. The choir members use their gifts to tell about God’s abundant love. They believe they are ministers of God’s grace and serve God out of a sense of gratitude for what He has done for us.
This group rehearses once a week for two hours on Thursday evenings (September to the end of May). They prepare the music for the Sunday service, and always offer an anthem that complements the service theme or the liturgy. The group is not auditioned, and all levels of music experience and knowledge blend into a wonderful sound on Sunday mornings. The choristers are dedicated, loyal, and welcoming. Music Director Jim Seaborn leads the choir.
New Members
We are always on the lookout for more singers of all abilities who want a musical outlet, a social experience with people who love to sing, not to mention recognition and appreciation for a job well done. From September to the end of May, we sing every Sunday, plus any special church family occasions that require musical leadership.
We do not require an “every Sunday” commitment from our singers, since we recognize people have to balance their priorities and commitments. Those interested can be assured no matter how many times you join us, your contribution is appreciated.